The positive effects of FSCs on health

These documents were provided by an insurance company. Upon life insurance subscription, a computer-based statistical diagnosis of subscribers was carried out. The outcome results are usually bad. There is a presence or predominance of yellow and red indicators meaning serious health impairement (functional failure, pre-pathology and pathology).

After the test of a permanent user of Koltsov’s FSC, the surrounding computer was down. In fact, the health indicator at the bottom of the image did not decrease below physiological pressure state shown by predominant green and blue colors, despite the fact that the tested person was under aggravating factors such as being overweight, no longer young and under stressful jobs.

Improvement of rheological properties in blood when in contact with FSCs

Studies were conducted to assess the effects of cell phones on human blood. Images with dark background are noticed from microscope view. The top image shows erythrocytes combined together to form small piles. This reflects the lack of oxygen in cells and increases the risks of thrombosis. The bottom image was taken after the patient had tightly handheld an FSC for 15 minutes.

The experimentation highlights the improvement of rheological properties in blood when in contact with FSCs, that is to say cell rejuvenation and prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

Analog result was obtained after drinking a glass of structured water with the help of an FSC.