Salvator : quantum technology

Albert Einstein quoted: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe”

Salvator is a new therapeutic method promoting artistic and cognitive abilities of the brain. It allows conscience’s adjustment in human body thanks to unique technology: the understanding of symbolic information and mental activity.*

Salvator is an ally...

Albert Einstein quoted: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe”

Salvator is a new therapeutic method promoting artistic and cognitive abilities of the brain. It allows conscience’s adjustment in human body thanks to unique technology: the understanding of symbolic information and mental activity.*

Salvator is an ally of science, art and philisophic thought. It is the optimization tool of one’s real personality. A new dimension of evolution theory in human consciousness, it is a new approach for your future life thanks to molecular biology of the brain in charge of memory and nervous activity. In a nutshell, Salvator improves all the aspects of your life: health, relations and fate! Thanks to this tool, we easily go towards the way we want our life would be like!

Human being is part of the quantum phenomenon and the intellectual system of the Universe linked to the evolution of processes and algorithms.

Human brain is a universe itself. If its conferred potentials are unlocked then, human abilities never have limits.

Sciences have already proved that man does not only create reality through action. He can generate events through psychophysic ways and emit them to his surroundings by symbolic evolution phases, like televisual programs with subjects and scenarios. The interpretation quality of the reality then determines people’s way of life. So man must be free of energy degradation hazard (imprecision, disorganization, chaos) related to civilization.

In man’s interaction, the entropy is the main cause of huge information loss up to 80% and has destructive impact on human biologic system and way of life. The higher the entropy, the greater man’s reaction on his environment becomes more destructive and strongly persistant. That’s why external negative influences on man’s conscience must be neutralized. Born from the evolution of man’s conscience, Salvator helps us maintain balance between entropy and evolution; it is the first step to get inner harmony, balance and perfection.

“Have you ever felt the vibrational amplitude of tools presented in this website, then identified the immense wealth for man and our planet? “

Salvator, a Latin word meaning « savior ».

In a common language, Salvator associates the propriety of the Aladin’s magic wand and lamp in which ancient gods locked up uncontrollable spirits that would have troubled people’s life.

Salvator function :

  • performs positive alignment of the central nervous system through main language property as a natural element inserted in our brain;
  • Fosters our consciousness to boost memory, improves man’s understanding of environmental memory and the noosphere **
  • Leads man to huge experience of different energy exchange with the environment against entropy of billion people preceding Biosphere evolution** ;
  • Frees conscienceness of man from destructive methods of reality interpretation generated by entropy ;
  • Promotes the expansion of human consciousness and develops the ability to interpret psycophysic of the world.
  • helps human conscienceness to create informational properties of events and objects related to vital activity;
  • develops cognitive logic of its user and the « anticipated formation mechanism of the reality» ;
  • Carries optimal interaction between human beings and their global and cosmic phenomena ;
  • Shapes quick thoughts that enhances right decisions;
  • Increases electrophisiology activity of the brain*** ;
  • Improves integration and interaction of man’s conscienceness paired to its biologic system.

Salvator does not impair thoughts. Each user differently embraces in this method by using algorithms and universal symbols.

Salvator is made of textual messages called Salvator Syntactic Protocol and specific physical object called Salvato Artifact r****. Salvator Artifact represents a physical object having specific metal core designed to contact user’s body and conscienceness.

* Noetic : Everything related to intelligence.

** Noosphere : Originally, from Vernadsky’s theory, the noosphere is the third theory of a successive phases in Earth’s development, after the geosphere (inanimate material) and the biosphere (biological life). The emergence of the human cognition transforms fundamentally the biosphere (Source: Wikipedia).

***The electro-physiology is the study of electric and electro-chemical phenomena that happens in the cells or living body tissues, particularly in the neuron and muscular fibers (Source: Wikipedia).

**** Artifact : artificially created object.


Salvator : quantum technology There is 1 product.

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